Yes, you can trade OTC Bulletin Board stocks (also known as Pink Sheet or penny stocks) in your brokerage account. These stocks, often lower-priced securities or ADRs (American Depository Receipts), are thinly traded. Thus, buy orders for these stocks must be placed as limit orders.
Note: Lana Global MA can't guarantee the accuracy of any quotation information on our site for these securities. You can usually place bulletin board trades using our online system. However, for some thinly traded stocks, you might find it easier to get a current quote or place an order through one of our brokers over the phone by calling +1907 764 2184. Note that you cannot sell short, buy or sell mutual funds, or trade stocks with a market value of less than $10 per share until seven business days after your account application is approved. All customers will be charged an additional $25 for Broker-Assisted trades.